Take the "Mainstream" Test

26 01 2006

Take this test to see if you are Democrat “Mainstream” or American Mainstream.

1. Do you support ACLU law suits bent on deporting Christ, eliminating all public prayer, disallowing Christmas celebrations, outlawing the Ten Commandments, and redefining the natural family?
2. Is it ok to teach students in government run schools that homosexuality is “normal” even though it violates “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God?” (Have you read the Declaration of Independence?)
3. Is legalizing gay marriages and/or civil unions which will promote further sodomy and its dire consequences ok with you, even with the impact it will have on our descendents?
4. Do you blame America first in regards to terrorism, as many liberal media outlets and “higher-education professors” do?
5. Just to keep the Bush-hatred rhetoric flowing, do you conveniently overlook the fact that most of the world in early 2003, including liberals, believed Saddam had WMD capabilities?
6. Do you believe the Gitmo detainees captured as enemy combatants should be released? Yet at the same time ignore what happens in Castro’s Cuban prisons?
7. Instead of defining morals and values from a faith-based foundation, do you define them according to whatever the ACLU, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, Hollywood Elites, and George Soros dictate as being “politically correct” with no specified boundaries as “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” does?
8. Do you believe “Separation of Church and State” is a law and the original intent of the founders?
9. Do you side with the ACLU in their assaults against organizations like the Boy Scouts and Salvation Army? Do you also hope in the name of liberally defined selective diversity and selective tolerance, quoting Scripture when reproving sin, will be outlawed as a “hate crime” leading to arrest and prison?
10. You have no qualms misusing words such as “tolerance, diversity, safety, hate crimes, and mainstream” in deceiving the public?

2-10 Yes’s: You are a liberal Democrat, probably just ignorant and need some real education. Begin with David Barton’s book, Original Intent. Or go beat your head against a wall for 10 more years, then come back and try this test again.

1 Yes: You are a moderate, maybe even undecided voter who has believed the lies of the media. Do your own thinking. Just read the rest of my blog, then go forth and vote ‘right’ next time.

0 Yes’s: Congratulations. You are thinking right. Continue in thy ways, always learn, and stand up for what we believe.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at Jay@stoptheaclu.com or Gribbit at GribbitR@gmail.com. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already on-board.