Dobson to Endorse Huckabee

7 02 2008

Filed under: Dobson, Focus on the Family, Politics, Election, 2008, Huckabee

Huckabee finally gets the endorsement of Dr. James Dobson, Founder of Focus on the Family. Here is the official statement:

Dr. James Dobson issues the following statement tonight, speaking as a private citizen.

“I am endorsing Gov. Mike Huckabee for President of the United States today. My decision comes in the wake of my statement on Super Tuesday that I could not vote for Sen. John McCain, even if he goes on to win the Republican nomination. His record on the institution of the family and other conservative issues makes his candidacy a matter of conscience and concern for me.

“That left two pro-family candidates whom I could support, but I was reluctant to choose between them. However, the decision by Gov. Mitt Romney to put his campaign “on hold” changes the political landscape. The remaining candidate for whom I could vote is Gov. Huckabee. His unwavering positions on the social issues, notably the institution of marriage, the importance of faith and the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with many others. That is why I will support Gov. Huckabee through the remaining primaries, and will vote for him in the general election if he should get the nomination. Obviously, the governor faces an uphill struggle, given the delegates already committed to Sen. McCain. Nevertheless, I believe he is our best remaining choice for President of the United States.

In elections past, there has never been as much disparity between GOP candidates. Evangelicals could vote with GOP and rest assured the candidate represented social issues and past presidents understood how to keep the stool of conservatism balanced.

Cue the 2008 election with the only true conservative candidate in the race dragging a bumpy governor’s record behind him and struggling to attract votes outside the social leg. The social leg is certainly not represented by the greatest number of GOP voters. And when it comes to the primaries, this is the only weakness. And boy, did we have a blowout this year!

I do wonder though, if Dobson would support a McCain / Huckabee ticket in the general after his blistering, but justified statement on Tuesday. I must admit that I’m thinking about it.

Hot Air takes it a little too far:

Actually, try this exit question on for size instead: Third-party run … by Dobson? Why not? His aim all along has been to prove to the GOP how much they need him and evangelicals.

Almost, Allahpundit. Dobson true desire is to see politicians guard the social leg of conservatism. Or, as Dobson puts it, family issues. Try not to sound so much like the Establishment here. This isn’t easy on any of us. So we must try and unite social, defense and economic under one candidate. Throwing beer on the social conservatives doesn’t really do much to that end.

Others: Stop The ACLU.

Y.A.C.R.W.B trackbacked with: Dobson & Huckabee



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